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"about us" about "normandy park" normandy park ucc united church christ mission vision values purpose

At Normandy Park United Church of Christ we believe in a God that is still speaking, a God that is all-loving, and a God of extravagant welcome that is inclusive of all people. We are a church where your mind and soul are nourished through word, music, fellowship, education, and service. We are a community of people seeking to follow Jesus' teaching in our daily lives.



God calls Normandy Park United Church of Christ to make a spiritual difference in people’s lives through fellowship, worship, and service



To create a vibrant church community that serves our neighborhood and world



A loving faith community where all are nurtured and people’s lives are changed

Core Values


Relevant worship and learning

Respect, support, and working together

Open and Affirming

Genuine hospitality

Celebrating diversity


Peace and justice

"about us" about "normandy park" normandy park ucc united church christ mission vision values purpose
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