A loving faith community where all are nurtured and people's lives are changed
Sundays at 10 am

Sunday Morning Worship
We gather together for worship both in person and on Zoom every Sunday morning at 10 am. You are always welcome to join us! Please come as you are, and wear whatever you are comfortable in. As the songwriter Jim Manley put it, “Nobody here has a claim on a pew- come in and sit down, for you are a part of the family!”
During worship we will pray together, listen to a message from the Pastor, share our joys and concerns, and sing songs that reflect and build on the theme for the day. Large print bulletins and audio assistance are available. Our children's program includes participation in worship and Sunday School. Before and after worship we have coffee and fellowship time. In the summer we occasionally worship outdoors.
Jesus never placed any barriers on who is welcome at God’s table, and neither do we: all are welcome to celebrate communion.​ Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of every month with grape juice [or a grape] and only gluten-free bread or crackers except for World Communion Sunday.

Choir and Special Music
The Normandy Park UCC choir graces worship with a musical selection almost every week from the beginning of September through Father's Day. All voices are welcome no matter how (in)experienced. During the summertime, and occasionally during the school year, guest musicians will offer a special musical piece during the service.
Labyrinths are an ancient form of spiritual meditation and worship. Normandy Park UCC has a brick labyrinth outside the front of the sanctuary that is open to the public. Please feel encouraged to come walk it any time you wish!