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Normandy Park UCC "Normandy Park" open affirming flag rainbow gay lesbian bi bisexual

Normandy Park UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation, affirming the inherent value and dignity of all people, specifically our LGBTQ siblings in Christ. We adopted this stance in 1999, long before it was popular to do so. Our parent denomination, the United Church of Christ, is the first mainline Christian body to ordain (call to ministry) an openly gay man and an openly gay woman, and was also the first to endorse and affirm marriage equality. Jesus never excluded anybody from the love of God, and neither do we.


Upon becoming an Open and Affirming congregation Normandy Park UCC adopted the following Statement of Welcome and Inclusiveness:


As a community formed by the living presence of Jesus Christ, we embrace Christ’s teachings and regard each human being as a sacred child of God to be treated with respect and dignity. We welcome to this fellowship all those who seek to build, by God’s direction and grace, lives based upon personal integrity, compassion for others, and faithfulness in human relationships. The presence and spiritual gifts of each person are treasured regardless of age, marital status, physical ability, gender, race, sexual orientation, economics, politics, or cultural background. The services and ministries of this congregation are available to all. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to break down the barriers that divide us as a human family and to bring healing to all of God’s creation.

To learn more about the Open and Affirming stance, please visit the following pages:


UCC Open and Affirming designation


Open and Affirming Coalition of the UCC

safe zone "safe zone" Normandy Park UCC "Normandy Park" LGBTQ LGBT gay lesbian bisexual trans transgender
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