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In 2004 the United Church of Christ kicked off a nation-wide identity campaign with the slogan "God is Still Speaking," featuring a new logo of a simple black comma. Rev. Ron Buford, a UCC pastor, came across a quote by Gracie Allen, advising us to "Never place a period where God has placed a comma." While the UCC recognizes the Bible, various creeds of the historical Church, and past theologians as important and relevant, it also affirms that, in the words of Congregational minister (and UCC forbearer) John Robinson, "There is more light and truth yet to break forth from God's holy word." We are all charged with living out the Gospel in our time and listening for God's continuing testimony in our lives. Hence, "God is Still Speaking" to us now and always.
In addition to the new logo and slogan, the UCC also issued several television commercials, which were deemed "too radical" to air by several major national networks at the time because they showed LGBT couples and diverse families welcomed into churches.

The UCC re-designed the comma logo in the summer of 2017, retiring the standalone red and black shape for the stylized blue version decorating this website. This change coincided with the adoption of the denomination's new vision statement: "United in Christ's Love, A Just World for All."